January 1997
January 29th, 1997 -- Joshua finishes the table of contents for the Crystal Skull Chronicles and puts this section and the finished part of Chapter 1 into web pages and posts them to the V J Enterprises web site.
January 24th-25th, 1997 -- Joshua finishes writing four parts of Chapter 1 of the first book of Crystal Skull Chronicles. Jules officially accepts to be the third writer. All materials related to the story are mailed out to Sue and Jules to beginning working together on the story.
January 16th, 1997 -- Sue Taylor, a spiritual healer and channel in Michigan, agrees to help with the writing of the Crystal Skull Chronicles.
January 1st-3rd, 1997 -- Julie "Jules" Hopkins contacts Joshua via an email with interest to help write the story on Jan. 1st. In Sπo Paulo, Brazil, Mario Diniz, the visionary artist who did the paintings for the Portuguese version of co-author Joshua Shapiro's book, Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, agrees to do a painting of the Blue Crystal Skull to share via the web site.
December 1996
December 31st, 1996 -- Joshua begins work on Chapter 1 of Book 1 of the Crystal Skull Chronicles while vacationing Brazil, near Sπo Paulo.
December 22nd, 1996 -- Finished first run of Crystal Skull Chronicle Pages including introduction and special reference pages. Next step is to begin the 1st chapter where rJis, the storyteller introduces himself, the world he lives in (our future) and the main characters of the story.
December 17th-18th, 1996 -- Translated MS Word Document for the Introduction into five web pages using graphics supplied by early pre-cursor page design by Don Bright.
December 17th, 1996 -- Completed edited of Introduction of the Crystal Skull Chronicle and now ready for making the Web Pages.
November 1996
November 26th, 1996 -- Don Bright attempts first design of Crystal Skull Chronicle Pages with a scroll design, some graphic elements are used in the existing design.
November 24th, 1996 -- Joshua started to write the first chapter with rJis, the narrator, introducing himself and his world.
November 17th, 1996 -- Began writing of Introduction to explain how the Crystal Skull Chronicles will be shared via the Internet.
November 13th, 1996 -- Joshua received inspiration for protrayal of the Crystal Skull Chronicles while in the bedroom preparing to go to his full time job.
Pre-Project History
(Special influences to the story,
in Reverse Chronical Order)1996 ( Jan.-April ): Joshua met a script writer Dennis and also received help from his brother, also a script writer and started to develop the scenes for his story (as a movie project)
1994 - 1995: Began to work with crystal skull caretaker Joke (pronounced Yo-ka) Van Dieten and looked at the possibility of doing a book together. The first consideration was to do a factional book about the crystal skulls and an update to Joshua's first book. Then Joke suggested that the book might better be received as a story. Joshua met novelist Paul Block via Compuserve who helped him to formulate his own story.
1990 - 1991: While living in Las Vegas, Joshua met a movie production company (via FUND) and a script writer and created first draft of a crystal skull movie script as well as gained experience on the process of writing a script.
1986 - 1987: Joshua meets novelist and script writer Danielle B, via the Whole Life Expo in Los Angeles and she gives to him an idea for a crystal skull movie.
CS Chronicles
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VJ Enterprises
Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro
9324 Home Court
Des Plaines, IL 60016
TEL : (847) 699-8240
FAX: (847) 699-9701